Friday, the 24th of July, there will be a broad, cross-left meeting to discuss and organise for united opposition to fascist, ethnic centric-nationalist and national-socialist presence and organisation in SL.
The meeting will be held at 2 pm SLT(pdt) and will take place at Unity Station of SLLU:
[in comments, notes that have circulated, agenda points etc]
My friend Matt sent me this photo. It's of me, in autumn 1996. I was 30.
I look at that person, and I see someone as stressed as he is today. I was
2 days ago
1 comment:
[The following was my first call-out for the meeting which got circulated widely]
"I was asked to write a call out for a cross left meeting to discuss the need for and how to of a renewed broadly based campaign against fascist, ethnic-nationalist and national-socialist presence and organizing in SL.
This meeting will take place at Friday, 24th of Juli at 2 PM SLT, at Unity Station of SLLU: ||
[This call out will go out to SL Left Unity, slanarchy, CPSL, Independent Media Center, No Pasaran, SLIS, Act! and others.]
I agreed to calling for a meeting like this, because their presence is growing and strengthening. With Front National presence and organizing basically gone now from SL (where SLLU with anti-FNSL were the first to initiate left opposition), other radical right wing groups have sprung up which actively organize such as Renouveau Francais and European Heritage. The latter is primarily affiliated with the BNP, but both reach out to and advertise with affiliations to, white pride, 14 words, blood & honour, Combat 18 Actiongroup and others. These people are more connected and adapt at organizing than the Front National members have ever been.
That said, when I agreed to write a call out, I agreed to a call out for a preliminary meeting between left groups in SL to discuss together on a strategy for possible renewed united opposition.
In the meantime though, all kinds of organizing have already been set in motion: considering the notices about it in different left groups and the mentioning of a new group, the Anti-Nazi League, apparently being created for the role of being a central node in this possible renewed anti-fascist front.
However, I consider this creation of a (new) specific group as coördination-node in a networked front as one of the important decisions that should have been made during the meeting this call-out would be for.
In any case, I still think it would be good to discuss the need, possibility and strategy of united opposition to the growing fascist and ethnic-nationalist presence on SL and therefor hope people will attend the meeting at the 24th of Juli at 2 PM at the Unity Station of SLLU.
I trust that any criticism on the organizing so far and openness to revisions or other roads taken will be a possibility during this meeting.
Kind regards,
Smoke Wijaya. "
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