Over 50 Av's landed on Hard Alley to protest against representations of violence against women in SL. PRESS - Please use these photos referring back to source (photos by Siri Vita, Ledoof Constantineau and Zoe Parness)WOMEN ARE NOT MEAT: A PROTEST AT HARD ALLEY IN OPPOSITION TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN.
[Snapshots of the Protest are embedded at the foot of the notecard]
As a part of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence, a series of events to promote an end to violence against women being held in Second Life from 25 November to 10 December, a broad coalition of activist groups in SL staged a performance protest at Hard Alley on 27 November.
Hard Alley was chosen because it is one of the most popular sims in SL featuring animations, poses, and products that depict violence against women, including rape, bondage, and violent physical abuse. Such depictions desensitize users to the violence that they represent; they "normalize" the rape and sexual abuse of women by asserting that these things are not merely "fun," but also sexually arousing. By doing so, they impact upon real life attitudes towards a horrendous social blight that annually leaves millions of women across the world traumatized, psychologically and physically scarred or injured, or even dead. Any activity that trivializes or seems to validate real life violence of women is intolerable. This protest was staged to make it clear that our society should not, indeed must not, tolerate it.
As residents of Second Life, we recognize that role play here is "consensual," and that the simulation of rape or other forms of violence against women is NOT the same as real life abuse. At the same time, however, we also understand that images and behaviours here do impact upon first life attitudes and practices, just as the images in any media, electronic or otherwise do. The media, and in particular interactive and "social" media such as Second Life, have an enormous impact, for both good and ill, upon societal values. Our protest here was both in opposition to the misogyny reflected by the form of role playing encouraged at this sim, and a forceful statement of our own commitment to ending the attitudes that sanction or create violence against women.
Because a founding principle of feminism is nonviolent activism, we chose a form of protest that was appropriately peaceful. We were not there to "attack" the sim, nor to grief it or its users. We did not spam visitors here, nor abuse them individually. We are protestors, not griefers.
We chose to represent ourselves as "meat," because this is the most appropriate metaphor to describe the attitude towards women and their bodies endorsed by the activities of places like Hard Alley. We also chose this means of protest to show that, while we take the issue of violence against women very seriously indeed, we also have a sense of humour and playfulness. The joy of shared laughter is one of our most potent weapons against the sort of hatred towards women exemplified by sims like Hard Alley.
More information on the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence can be found online at:
Saturday, 28 November 2009
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Labels: Hard Alley, pornography, SECOND LIFE LEFT UNITY, sexual violence, sl left unity, SLLU, violence against women
Thursday, 26 November 2009
No Berlusconi Day!
For more details, please contact Roja Zapatero, or maio123456789maio Porta or tib elton.
No Berlusconi Day’: Let’s save Italy, Let’s save democracy. Let’s ask for Berlusconi’s resignation (This is a translation of the italian post below)
We don’t know what will happen if Berlusconi finally resigns. And we believe that the false “fair play” of some of our opponents simply demonstrates a coward’s attitude to our democracy and they’ll have to in any case, answer for it to the voters. What we know for sure, is that Berlusconi is a very serious and dangerous anomaly in the framework of western democracy – as reinforced of late by the the international press that defines our government “a dictatorship”. We also know that he understands his political situation so well, that he constantly works to change laws and the Constitution for is own personal benefit. We can no longer aquiesce when confronted by the actions of a man who has taken our Country hostage fro more than 15 years and whose conception of the State and his position in it makes him hostile to every freedom of expression, as demonstrated by his recent attacks against the free press, satirists and the internet. We can no longer stay quiet when faced with theunscrupulousness of a man for whom the shadows of his recent past weigh heavily: his connections to the Mafia; his relations with members of the Mafia like Vittorio Mangano or Marcello Dell’ Utri, who has been found guilty of tax fraud, false accounting, and complicity in conspiracy with the Sicilian Mafia.
He must resign and defend himself, just like every other citizen, in front of the Law.
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Labels: berlusconi, italia, italy, SECOND LIFE LEFT UNITY, sl left unity, SLLU
Sunday, 22 November 2009
A noi non interessa cosa accade se si dimette Berlusconi e riteniamo che il finto "Fair Play" di alcuni settori dell'opposizione, costituisca un atto di omissione di soccorso alla nostra democrazia del quale risponderanno, eventualmente, davanti agli elettori. Quello che sappiamo è che Berlusconi costituisce una gravissima anomalia nel quadro delle democrazie occidentali -come ribadito in questi giorni dalla stampa estera che definisce la nostra "una dittatura"- e che lì non dovrebbe starci, anzi lì non sarebbe nemmeno dovuto arrivarci: cosa che peraltro sa benissimo anche lui e infatti forza leggi e Costituzione come nel caso dell'ex Lodo Alfano e si appresta a compiere una ulteriore stretta autoritaria come dimostrano i suoi ultimi proclami di Benevento. Non possiamo più rimanere inerti di fronte alle iniziative di un uomo che tiene il Paese in ostaggio da oltre15 anni e la cui concezione proprietaria dello Stato lo rende ostile verso ogni forma di libera espressione come testimoniano gli attacchi selvaggi alla stampa libera, alla satira, alla Rete degli ultimi mesi. Non possiamo più rimanere inerti di fronte alla spregiudicatezza di un uomo su cui gravano le pesanti ombre di un recente passato legato alla ferocia mafiosa, dei suoi rapporti con mafiosi del calibro di Vittorio Mangano o di condannati per concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa come Marcello Dell'Utri.
Deve dimettersi e difendersi, come ogni cittadino, davanti ai Tribunali della Repubblica per le accuse che gli vengono rivolte.
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Labels: berlusconi, day, italia, italy, roma, SECOND LIFE LEFT UNITY, sl left unity, SLLU
Thursday, 19 November 2009
RL Left Unity Red Wedge Teeshirt competition
The Scottish Socialist Party, the real life Left Unity group and supporters of SLLU have a teeshirt competition every month on their website in conjunction with Philosophy Football.
Philosophy Football's T-shirt design features their version of the famous 'Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge' propaganda poster in defence of the 1917 Russian Revolution. Part of their Russian Revolution range available from Philosophy Football. We have 5 to be won in our November competition. To enter simply answer the following question:
Who was the original designer of 'Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge' poster?
Email your answer with name, address and preferred T-shirt size to
Entries close 30 November '09, no purchase necessary to enter.
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Labels: philosophy football, Red Wedge, Russian Revolution, scottish socialist party, SECOND LIFE LEFT UNITY, SLLU, SSP
Thursday, 12 November 2009
16 days of activism - schedule preview (not final!)
Sneak preview of what we have in store but subject to change! Keep looking here and here for updates!
Wednesday November 25th
Four Bridges Mainstage
10AM SLT - Welcome address from Ledo. Intro. to events from Siri
10:15 AM SLT - Reading of selected poetry by Gwen Carillon
10:30 - 11:00 AM SLT - Music by TBD
11:00 AM SLT - Intro to Language of Pornography Exhibit by UndoneChaos Enoch
11:10 - Noon - Tour of Launguage of Pornography exhibit with Undone available at installation for questions.
Noon to 1PM SLT - Discussion Group on The Language of Pornography faciliated by Undone Chaos Enoch at the Four Bridges Drum Circle
1PM to 2PM SLT - Music: Truelie Telling
Four Bridges Mainstage
2PM to 3PM SLT - Live Music - This Device
Afghan SL Peace at the Peace Park
3PM to 4PM SLT - any1 Gynoid Exhibit and discussion Elimination of Violence Against Women in Afghanistan
Afghan Peace Exhibit - Peace Park
4PM to 5PM SLT - Music by TBD
5PM - 6PM SLT Opening of Ana Herzogs Exhibit on The Impact of War on Women
Casita Gaia Village - The Women's Center
Thursday November 26th THANKSGIVING IN THE US - NOON LIVE MUSIC Atheene Dononpa at the Imagine Nest
Friday November 27th - 1PM - 2PM SLT Alexjo Magic Discussion on Impact of Israeli Occupation on Palestinian Women
Four Bridges North - Actions Against the Israeli Apartheid Wall Exhibit
Saturday November 28th
10AM - Noon SLT Panel Discussion on Domestic Violence
Panelists: Paty Amiot, millay Freschi, Alexjo Magic, UndoneChaos Enoch
Location: Four Bridges Auditorium
Noon to 1PM - The Poetry of Medora Chevalier, Paulette Felisimo and Serene Bichon
Four Bridges Imagine Nest
1PM to 3PM SLT Panel Discussion on the Status of Women in Different Cultures Throughout the World
Panelists: Alexjo Magic (Israel/Palestine), Afghan Expert (per any1), Nany Kayo (Native American), Paty Amiot (Hispanic Cultures), millay Freschi (US), Is there someone for Europe and Asia?,
3PM to 4PM - LIVE MUSIC - Cylindrain Rutabaga
4PM - 5PM -
5PM - 6PM
6PM - 7PM LIVE MUSIC - Shannon Oherlihy
7PM - 8PM -
Sunday November 29th -Noon SLT - Nany Kayo Presentation on Violence Against Native American Women
Virtual Native Lands
lm TBD
Monday November 30th - Noon SLT Amber from Equaltiy now via skype presents on prostitution and trafficking - Info also providded on vaw games in Japan
Tuesday December 1st - HOLD for Presentation on how AIDS is affecting women - WORLD AIDS DAY
Wednesday December 2nd - Stop Porn Culture slideshow - Zoe Parness and Scylla Rhiandra
1PM SLT - Four Bridges Location TBD
Thursday December 3rd - Noon SLT - Ana Herzog Presentation on The Impact of War on Women - Discussion
Casita Gaia Village - The Women's Center
Friday December 4th
Saturday December 5th - Paty Amiot presents on Femincide in Mexico
10AM SLT - Four Bridges Drum Circle
Sunday December 6th - millay Freschi on The Unique Power of the Feminine
Four Bridges Imagine Nest
Monday December 7th
Tuesday December 8th
Wednesday December 9th - millay Freschi on Women Activists at Risk
5PM SLT - Four Bridges Amnesty International Headquarters
Thursday December 10th - Light Show at Imagine Nest 1PM SLT
Pending Booking timeslots:
Kiko Hunniton - Empowering Women
Meditation Workshop - feminist expidition
working with non sexist men - czamy zsun
presentation on transgender issues - tbd kenelle levenque
[6:47] Kiko Hunniton: very talented artist - check it out http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-348765
[6:47] Kiko Hunniton: or directly his exhibition http://slurl.com/secondlife/Aloha%20Tranquility/110/126/81
Trill Zapatero: Several pieces about the power of the feminine - Working on Instillation
Paulette: Rose Sculpture (INSTALLED!)
Gwen Carillon - Three sculptures, Despair, Rebirth, Stregth (Stregth installed!)
UndoneChaos Enoch - The language of Pornography (Installed on Platform)
Aurakyo Insoo - Imagine Nest (Installed on Platform)
Scylla Rhiandra - Exhibit on Portrayals of VAW in SL (Location TBD)
Carbella Babii - Visual piece (meeting 11/12 to discuss placement)
Medora Chevalier - Stop Stoning culture (INSTALLED)
Jenaia Morane - World AIDS day Exhibit ( To be installed 11/12 or 11/13 - still need quilt to be finished, that will be installed later)
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sllu feminist networker
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Plot Tracer on History and Future of SLLU
An opinion piece HERE
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Labels: plot tracer, second life, SECOND LIFE LEFT UNITY, Second Life Liberation Army, SL, sl left unity, SLLA, SLLU
Monday, 2 November 2009
Minutes of October meeting. Turnout - 25 comrades from across SL/the world
The meeting covered a lot of points – none of which were concluded – which is a fantastic start as it showed the enthusiasm people from across the left diaspora had for working together on different campaigns.
In particular the threat of the ultra right groups in rl and sl was highlighted, and work continues in various groups across sl to combat this. The coming together of many comrades involved in this will perhaps help to set up educational links.
The Palestinian movements were also highlighted – and again there were various groups represented who can cooperate on various activities effecting both sl and rl.
The introduction and reasons for the meeting were set out thus by Plot Tracer:
SLLU was set up in 2006 originally as an educational organisation – the original idea came from me and three others- that idea was to bring together anti-capitalist SL users in order to create SL installations etc. SLLU then became involved in campaigns that were reactive to conditions (eg. the anti-Front National campaigns); Pro active (educational on poverty/ sexism etc) and proactive /reactive (Palestinian / Greek uprising campaigns).
SLLU was never meant as a sectarian organisation where one group and one “line” was taken on real world campaigns. It is meant as an organisation where people from across the anti-capitalist left spectrum can meet and share ideas – and perhaps link up on issues they agree with.
The “left” does not have to agree on everything – if that was the case, then we would be forcing uniformity upon people. We cannot do this. We can only come to the table with our points of view and agree or disagree – but most importantly, we must either allow others to come to our pints of view through reciprocal education – or agree to disagree. If people cannot do this, they must stay in their own “sect” and stay angry with the world.
The conditions today in 2009 are somewhat different from the conditions in 2006 – there are real opportunities for left gains – and the recent elections in Portugal, Germany and Greece have shown that. People are looking for alternatives to the ultra-capitalism that have almost brought the world to the financial brink.
SLLU has recently been “quiet” – but SLLU has never ceased to be working. The SLLU feminist group has been meeting – albeit sporadically. Hopefully the Feminist Group will continue to inform us and help those of us who find it difficult to accept there are problems within our society that socialism itself will not change.
SL is a link in the chain of online activism. Twitter/ Facebook/ blogs etc all have their place. Sl’s unique points are the ability to “physically” meet within a space at a specific time. It means meetings/ demonstrations and conversations can be had by many people at once.
Recent campaigns using social networks/ blogs etc have shown that online campaigns can be effective – especially when dealing with legislation etc (see the recent Twitter/blogosphere campaign against Trafigura and their injunction placed on the British Parliament).
: And that is what this meeting is for. It is to set a “homework” which will take the form of a report you all will come back together in one month to give.
This may sound perhaps a bit school teacher ish... but...
[14:32] Plot Tracer: it is for a reason
The fact is, a lot of left orgs across the world are wakening up to the social networking thing... and I think SLLU especially can be a hub for these.
Sorry – it is for two reasons – the other being for you, SL users to report here what you have been active doing. This could mean others at this meeting can offer you help/support/comradeship in what you are doing. Could you introduce yourselves, tell us something about your real life activism and if you are involved in SL /internet activism? If you have a blog/ facebook site that reflects your activism, could you please mention that?– in the case of Facebook, my real name is Neil Scott – can you search for me and send a friend request? In the case of a blog, can you mention the url if it is an actisit blog – and we can all link up with it? After we all introduce ourselves I would like to set the homework and the date for the next meeting. OK, first…
I would like us all to meet up again for a reason. We all come from different activism points.
In order to make the most of this place - ie. SL/SLLU we should meet up - share info - and share rl/ internet campaigns we are part of. We need to ensure SL/ SLLU is a part of the chain of web activism - or we need to make it a useful part.
[15:07] Plot Tracer: ok - this is the small task
Activists to come with examples of online campaigns – three types
1. Campaigns that are reactive to conditions (example – Trafigura , in other words were protest and action are concerned)
2. Campaigns that are PRO-active (example – the 16 days of action, in other words, campaigns were education is the outcome)
3. Pro-active reactive (example – reacting to SL incursions of right wing racist organisations with a campaign/ educational etc)
Come with these in order to inform all at the meeting what we can involve ourselves in. SLLU has a blog – www.slleftunity.com
we can use this monthly meeting as a hub for our online activism.
Can i say that i think sl should not be something apart from the other social networks, but something that adds to all of their effectiveness as one activist platform? does that make sense?
i was out of sl for most of this year (nearly eight months)... and what happened here in that time didn’t filter out to me (and i am an extensive user of social networks/ tech) – so we need to revisit some of the ways SLLU used to get left issues onto the pages of our rl newspapers and discuss whether or not these methods are relevant nowadays or should we be looking towards other new networking methods?
[15:12] Deruub Pastorelli: you should keep in mind that sl is hosted on a server owned by a company that gives the log to the fbi without even blinking so its not the most save way
[15:12] Plot Tracer: so - i think we should play to the advantages of all of these platforms
[15:12] Zoe Parness: yes ... but I feel it would be useful to think about what we can achieve in SL which couldnt be achieved in another medium
[15:12] Kara Spengler: with emerald you can encrypt IMs
[15:13] Plot Tracer: we should blog (those who do) twitter/ facebook etc - and also meet up here to plan cross social network campaigns (and sl exclusive ones of course)
[15:13] Bakari Xaris: Deruub no one is going to plan to take over a factory over SL :)
[15:13] Plot Tracer: i disagree, bakari - a factory takeover COULD be planned here.
[15:13] Plot Tracer: :)
[15:14] Deruub Pastorelli: some ppl have to think twice what they do on internet
Next meeting will be Friday 13th November at 2pm SLT Venue tba
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Labels: S, second life, SECOND LIFE LEFT UNITY, sl left unity, SLLU