Monday 25 June 2007


You Cre8tive lot! The photo below shows some of the Cre8 garden tributes you have left in memory and in tribute to the victims of globalisation/capitalism.

All you lefty creative types - the ongoing Cre8 Garden


has proved that the left have the artists! Well done to all who have taken part and all of those who are going to.

SLLU are now working towards aquiring our own land for a new and exciting ongoing proposed project - details of which to follow later in the week.

In order that we can expand, and connect with as many people in SL as possible, we are now looking for content-creators who are interested in participating in our new ventures. Currently, we are in the process of setting up a space where we will give away creations, donated by members, to residents of SL, who can then contribute a voluntary donation if they wish (or not, as the case may be!).

SO! if you are a content-creator, and are interested in donating content you have made, and having a venue to show-case it, be it overtly politically-themed, or just playful/dorky/useful/experimental - whatever! please get in touch for further details, and/or send your full-perms content to either myself (higgleDpiggle Snoats), Eremia Woodbury, or Plot Tracer.

thanks again for your continuing support!
higgledpiggle snoats


The SLLU seeks creative, non violent means to foster revolutionary social dialogue. We oppose capitalism, as well as racism and sexism as a part of capitalism. Our goal is to develop socialism in order to maximise left activity and thought on SL.

SLLU originated from members of the Scottish SSP, and is now part of a world wide left unity movement in SL. We are a diverse group, united around social justice and anti-capitalism. We are a democratic collective.

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