Tuesday 27 November 2007

Hands off Iran!

There is a major demonstration planned for second life this Saturday. The demonstration is for people in secondlife to show their abhorrence of the present build up to war/annihilation of Iran. It is also a show of disgust at the present world powers and their destruction in Iraq and other war zones. Those who have wreaked havoc on civilians across the world in the name of profit and dollar dominance should be tried for murder and for crimes not seen on this scale since the Nazi horrors in Europe in the first half of the last century.

Whatever your political view, no-one can say what has been done on the people of Iraq is just. And no-one can say that the planned "limited" nuclear strike on Iran can be justified. Anyone who can justify this will have to do so to generations of people across the world who will suffer the repercussions and fallout of such an action.

There are different political positions represented in this demo, from conservative through to liberal to ultra-left. The SLLU is a unity group made up of left individuals and groups. We fully support this action by people across the world, and members will be part of this demonstration. Members will also facilitate this demo by contributing demo material. Placards and teeshirts made by people across sl can be found in our freebie shop- made available absolutely free to all who wish to have them.

Please contact any1 Gynoid for details on the demo, and Higgledpiggle Snoats, Plot Tracer, Eremia Woodbury, Hanni Bekkers, Trevor Caldwell, Laura Gagliano or Krisp Alexandre for details on SLLU.

PRESS CONFERENCE: 10AM SLT FRIDAY 30 NOV 2007 Commonwealth 3
DAY OF ACTION: 8AM to 6PM SLT SATURDAY 1 DEC 2007 Commonwealth 3,
Capitol Hill, CNN, Reuters, LIVE-4-U TV, and other protest venues


EVENT: LAG 4 PEACE's DON'T IRAQ IRAN! Day of Action, Teach-Ins,
Protests, Poetry, and Live Music

SLLU original demonstration - http://slleftunity.blogspot.com/2007/02/sllu-demonstrate-against-us-plans-to.html

PRESSE KONFERENZ: 10 AM SLT/19.00 UHR (deutsche Zeit) Fr. 30. Nov. 07 Commonwealth 3

DAY OF ACTION: 8AM bis 6PM SLT/17.00 - 3.00 Uhr SA. 1 Dez. 07 Commonwealth3,

Capitol Hill, CNN, Reuters, LIVE-4-U TV, and other protest venues



Proteste, Poesie, und Live Musik

Kontakt: Any1 Gynoid (Second Life) oder email an .... any1gynoid@googlemail.com

Nach BBC (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/5346524.stm),

die Republikaner haben einen großteils erfundenen Bericht veröffentlicht und durch den

US Kongress verbreitet, der Bericht enthielt Kriegs- inspirierte Lügen über den aktuellen

Stand des Atom- Programms des Iran und über Aktivitäten im Irak. Die United Nation's In-

ternational Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verurteilten den Bericht energisch und bezeich-

nete ihn als ein Lügenpaket und widerlegten Punkt für Punkt. Letzte Woche berichtete die

IAEA, dass der Iran völlig mit den UN Inspektoren kooperiere. Ein aktueller Artikel im New

Yorker zeigte die wahren Absichten der US- Behörden, insbesondere: "Es ist eine verzwei-

felte Anstrengung von Cheney zu erkennen u.a. schnellstmöglich militärische Aktionen in den

Iran zu bringen

Als Reaktion auf diese alarmierenden Neuigkeiten, organisieren links/progressive SL-Bewohner

eine große Protest-Aktion im Second Life, für den 1. Dezember 2007 zusammen mit anderen

progressiven Gruppen und eigenständigen Personen im SL.

Über Lag4Peace (Lags für den Frieden)

Diese SL-basierende Koalition lädt die Medien dazu ein Teilnahme an unserem Protest zu

haben. Wir heißen die Beteiligung aller Gruppen oder Personen im SL willkommen, die die Welt

frei von Krieg und Tyrannei sehen wollen.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To Whom It May Concern:

As you know, the Student's Day (Azar 16th, December 7th) which is held every year as a protesting action in the universities of Iran,
we the communist (in farsi: azady khah va barabary talab) students of the universities in Iran are planning a "Student's Day" demonstration at the University of Tehran.
The main policies of this demonstration include these points:

1. Protest against the war in the Middle East

2. Protesting Against political and social pressures against the student, worker unions and women's rights and … activists

We want: the freedom of speech all through the society, free unions for students, workers and etc. and …

So, we are asking you to support our demonstration through you media on Tuesday,
December 4th at the University of Tehran beginning in front of the Engineering Faculty.
For more information on the details of this demonstration, please contact us: azady.barabary@gmail.com.
See more information at http://azady-barabary-01.blogspot.com.