Tuesday, 1 July 2008

The United Socialist Movement of the Americas

A Great initiative started as a Facebook group and now branching out into the "Real World". Perhaps some of our American comrades can keep us up to date on this organisation.

SMA Objectives and Purposes:

1. To establish a local chapter in every community across the Americas;
2. To promote socialist values and ideas; and to
3. Create a united socialist movement in the 35 countries of the Americas.

More Specifically, Chapters Will:
1. Promote the reduction of social & economic inequalities within and between nations;
2. Help raise the awareness of the destructive forces of capitalism upon nature;
3. Monitor the progress made by socialist ideas in their community, in the Americas and beyond;
4. Act as an “honest broker” between various groups working in a spirit of unity to support worthwhile campaigns; and
5. Provide members with educational and leadership tools for socialist activists.

Long Range Goal:

To move our countries from the current capital set of social relations towards a pluralistic socialist society.

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William Richardson said...

William Richardson here. Hey thanks for the mention on your blog. Right now we're still laying the foundations for our organization/movement. Me personally i'm starting a chapter in Buffalo, NY, USA and it seems to be much interest here. I hope the struggle is going good on your end and maybe we can make some links sooner or later. In Solidarity.

Neil said...

Cheers, William. Send us updates via this blog - or our facebook site - http://tinyurl.com/5umv6w

Also, make contact with the Socialist Party I am a member of - http://www.scottishsocialistparty.org (my branch/chapter is http://www.campsiesocialists.com )

Joseph Dubonnet said...


We now have 8 chapters in five countries (Canada, US, Venezuela, Colombia, and Trinidad and Tobago).

I have a few friends in the Scottish Socialist Party. We could build some links between USMA and The SSP.